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Ms. Shakuntla |
Librarian |
This fee is subject to change i.e. if the fee is revised, the students will have to pay the
revised fee.
Himachal University charges: As decided by the HPU Gyan Path from time to time.
1. Tuition fee shall be charged for 12 months (June to May) as per schedule. At the time
of admission student will have to pay the fee for six months i.e. From June to
November and in the Month of November fee will be charged for the next six months
i.e. from December to May or together for one year.
2. Fee and other charges are to be paid (without fine) on the dates fixed by the office for
each class notified from time to time. Those who pay the college dues after the dates
fixed for their class will have to pay the fine for the delay.
3. Fee, fine and other dues once paid, will not be refunded.
4. The students who do not pay their dues as per schedule dates will be charged Rs. 10/-
Per day as the late fee and as per the schedule fixed by the college/ university from
time to time.
5. Tuition fee from the following students will not be charged:
I. Girl's students.
ii. Among real brothers/sisters, only one will be exempted.
iii. Physical disability above 40%.
1. Migration from other college to Govt. Degree College, Dhami at 16 Mile, District
Shimla and vice-versa is governed by HPU rules.
2. No migration certificate can be issued unless the student is registered with university.
A migrating student will not be admitted to the college if the subject/ courses studied
by him/her previously are not available in the college.
3. The migrating student must submit the following documents/information :
i. Lecture attendance statement (of all subjects offered)
ii. Statement of credits earned by the students under CCA
iii. Character certificate from the Principal of the college last attended.
4. After migration has been sanctioned and notified by the HPU, the student must join
the second college within the time period stipulated by the HPU.
5. The college first joined is entitled to the tuition fee for the month in which the
university sanctions the migration. The second college is not entitled to the tuition fee
for the month or part thereof.
6. The admission of the students migrating from another university or from and
affiliated college or institution in the same course (including ICDEOL) shall be
governed by the regulations framed by the Executive Council of HPU from time to
7. The admission of the student migrating from another university shall be treated as
provisional and shall be confirmed when he/she produces the migration certificate
issued by the University and a certificate of good conduct issued by the Head of the
Institution last attended.
8. A student disqualified by another university shall not be given admission during the
period of the disqualification.
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