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Important Instructions

(a) A candidate shall also be required to fulfill the following conditions to appear in the annual examinations:-
(i) 75% attendance is compulsory in theory and practical.
(ii) 75% attendance is mandatory in seminars and submission of assignments.
(iii) It shall be compulsory to score minimum 50% marks in aggregate in house examination.
(iv) It shall also be mandatory to participate in activities of subject societies.
(v) The University annual examination form shall be treated as provisional unless and until the eligibility criteria as mentioned above for appearing in annual examination is fulfilled by the candidate and a certificate to this effect is received from the Principal of the concerned College at least 15 days prior to the start of annual/ practical examination.
(b) Apart from compulsory subjects, the subject combinations and number of seats shall be decided by the college concerned.
For determining CCA for a student enrolled for the Academic session will account for 30 % of the total marks i.e. 100. The break up to 30% marks in given below:-
For the 1st and 2nd Year
i) 5 marks for attendance
ii) 5 marks for class test to be taken on completion of 40% syllabus by the class teacher.
iii) 10 marks for house test to be taken on completion of 75% of syllabus.
iv) 10 marks for assignment, tutorials, general behavior of student.
V & VI Semester
(i) 5 marks for attendance.
(ii) 15 marks for minor test
( iii) 10 marks for assignment, tutorials, project etc.

Class Room Attendance Incentive

Those having greater than 75% attendance (for those participating in co-curricular activities, 25% will be added to their Attendance) will be awarded CCA marks as follows:

75% but < 80% 1 Mark
>= 80% but < 85% 2 Marks
>=85% but < 90% 3 Marks
>= 90% but <95% 4 Marks
>= 95% 5 Marks